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מצבר עופרת-חומצה : תכונות ומודל סימולציה

מצבר עופרת-חומצה : תכונות ומודל סימולציה

Ferrite beads in power electronics

אנרגית השמש ותאי שמש

Bode stability criterion: Clearing a common misconception

A simple and a quick way to import an external model into PSPICE

PSPICE simulation of APFC inductor current and core losses (CCM)

Limits of ferrite core effectiveness in switch mode converters

Flat magnetics for switch mode converters: A primer
List of Keywords
A- Active Filter, Analog Electronics
B- Bandwidth, Bias Current, Bi-metal, Bode, Boost, Bridgeless, Buck, Buck Boost
C- Capacitance, Capacitor, Ceramic Capacitors, CFA, Closed Loop, Conducted, Common Mode, Control, Controller, Cores, Coss, Current Feedback, Current Sensing, Clamping
D- Datasheet, DC-DC Converters, Differential Amplifier, Digital Controller, Diode, Drive, Driver, Duty Cycle
E- Emission, Energy Harvesting, ESR
F- Feedback, Filter, Flat magnetic, Flyback, Forward Converter, Forward Recovery, Frequency Response, Frequency Response Analyser, FRS, Ferrite
G- Gain Margin, GaN, Gap, Gate, Gyrator
H- Hard Switching, Hall Effect
I- Inductance, Inductor, Inductive Load
L- Leakage, Line Filter, Linearization, LISN, LLC, Loss, Lossless Snubber, Lamp, Loop Gain, LEDs, Light
M- Magnetics, Miller, MOSFET, Multiphase
N- Noise, Nyquist
O- Offset Current, Offset Voltage, Op.Amps, OpAmp, Open Loop, Operational Amplifiers
P- Permeability, PFC, Phase Compensation, Phase Margin, Peak Current, Piezoelectric, Piezoelectric Transformer, PLECS, Power Factor Correction, Power FET, Power MOSFET, PSIM, PSPICE, Pulse Transformer, PWM, PID
R- Recovery Time, Resonant Converter, Resonator Convertor, Reverse Recovery, Ripple, RMS
S- SEPIC Converter, SiC, Simmulation, Simplorer, Skin Effect, SNR, Snubber, Soft Switching, Solar, SPICE, Stability, Step Up, Switched Capacitors, Switched Power Supplies
T- Thermo-Electric, Topologies, Totem Pole, Transfer Function, Transformer, Tapped Inductor
V- Voltage Multiplier
W- Wireless
Z- Zeta Converter, Zero Voltage Switching